beautiful gate community schoolNelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Education is indeed the bedrock of social and economic development. We run a community school for orphans and vulnerable children from impoverished settlements around the city of Kitwe as a way of unlocking the doors of opportunities for them. There are currently 350 students enrolled in our school from grade 1 to 9. Whereas most of these children have either lost one or both parents, some of them come from poverty stricken homes whereby a single meal is the order of the day. In order to enable these children concentrate in class, we endearvour to offer them meals whenever they report for school. Apart from this, we also provide school uniforms and shoes to those who may not afford such. Our school is guided by the motto: "Moulding the children into responsible citizens by nourishing them mentally, physically and spiritually through quality and affordable education." Our team of self-motivated and God fearing teachers are guided by this principle to ensure that the cognitive and socio-emotional development of every child is achieved. working together..We work in close collaboration with stakeholders such as the church, local schools, relevant government departments, drop in centres, funders and NGOs.
developing a child holistically....Mental nourishment - our team of God-fearing dedicated teachers always ensure that students under their tutelage receive quality education to stimulate their minds and further enhance their mental development. Physical development - all work and no play made Jack a dull boy. Every Friday, students gather at the play ground for sessions of physical education. They are made to undergo rigorous exercises that enhance their physical development. Spiritual enrichment - each day, students assemble in the school hall for a time of devotion before lessons commence. |